A few weeks ago my friend Carly told me that her boyfriend does not prefer leftovers…

Last week I had two other people tell me that they don’t like leftovers…

They turned up their noses as if leftovers were some sort of mould infested sloppy seconds not to be eaten by human beings.

My mind was obviously blown, after all meals like lasagna, stew and chili are waaaaay better on the second day. This forced me to dive head first into culinary sloppy seconds and create a sequence of meals using a little bit of old and a little bit of new.

Prelude —

We recently set up the BBQ on our deck. After a long winter sans BBQ I went a bit BBQ crazy. Friday we had burgers, Saturday we had chicken, and Sunday we have tuna steaks with fire roasted vegetables.

Ahi Tuna Steak:

  • 1 TBSP  Braggs Liquid Aminos
  • 1/4 tsp Ginger
  • 1/8 tsp Lemon Peel
  • Black Pepper to Taste

Coat the fish and allow the flavors to mingle for a few hours. BBQ on high for 1 minute on each side.

Fire Roasted Vegetables:

  • Bell Pepper
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste


Put the veggies on skewers and grill as desired.

Cue sloppy seconds…

Monday morning I used the smoky uber flavorful veggies and made a cilantro egg white vegetable wrap and it was amazing!!

I chopped up some cilantro and mixed it with egg whites right in a hot skillet. Prepare the eggs like pancakes. Stuff your ‘wrap’ with the grilled veggies.

Terrific way to use up retired veggies and enjoy BBQ before 9am.

With love from the Trench Kitchen,
