maryann-before-after-lgI started working with Neil in January 2012. My reason for doing this was to start eating better, and of course lose some weight and get fit.  After about a week and half on this new nutrition program I started seeing results. My motivation was high throughout the program as the results kept coming. There were days that I struggled, but Neil’s encouragement kept me going. Between the exercise program with Jordan and the nutrition with Neil, I think in the twelve weeks I have come farther than I ever expected.  I don’t feel I am done yet and am excited to continue with this lifestyle.  My words of encouragement are that if you think you can’t do it or it is too hard, it really isn’t hard at all.  I think if I can do it anybody can. As somebody always said to me there is no word “can’t”. Take it one day at a time and before you know it the twelve weeks or however long your program length is will be here. I will not be going back to old habits of eating crap and this program will be with me and my family for many years. To everyone out there looking to make a lifestyle change or in the process of it, stick with it and keep up the good work!!