
“My experience with Trench Fitness has been an incredible journey. Signing up with Trench, I had already lost 30lbs on my own over the two previous years but was kind of stuck. I wasn’t where I wanted to be. Kal and I had a great talk about my goals and how to achieve them and work towards them in a structured yet straight-forward way. I couldn’t even imagine where I would be after 24 weeks but here I am! Leaner, and yet so much stronger than I’ve ever been before! I’m so happy with how I look, but even happier with how I feel. Without the continued guidance and support from Kal, I don’t know if I could have done it! I can’t wait to see where this fitness journey takes me, but Trench and all its wonderfully supportive members have given me the tools and the knowledge to continue to improve and push myself to new limits, whatever they may be.”

