Drop-In Gym Access Pass Gym Access Pass Group Class Pass Our facility is not staffed 24/7 and Drop-Ins are only available by appointment, if the door is unlocked, or if you are a guest of a member. Typically this drop-in purchase process is completed in person at the gym when you arrive. The person doing the Drop-In must complete this process.Personal InformationName* First Last Email* Phone*Drop-In Pass Price: GST Price: $ 0.00 CAD Total $ 0.00 CAD Promo Code AgreementReview the following terms and conditions. To agree and complete the purchase, click the button at the end of this page.Fitness Service Agreement for Drop-In Passes* I agreeTRENCH FITNESS115 Hodsman Road, Regina, SK S4N 5W5(306) 559-0313 [email protected] Employee: Online Sign-up Service: General Gym Access (Drop-In Membership) Parties: This Fitness Service Agreement and Release of Liability (the "Agreement") is between you and Trench Fitness Inc. ("Trench Fitness"). You hereby agree that you are purchasing from Trench Fitness for your benefit, fitness services according to the terms of this Agreement. Notice: You are entitled to a copy of this Agreement at the time you sign it. Term Acknowledgement: The term of this Agreement is for 1 Day from the Commencement Date. All prices are in Canadian funds. Payment: Your total payment of $15.00 is due on the Commencement Date. How to Cancel Your Membership and/or Services: All sales for Memberships or Services are final and expire at the end of the Commencement Date. There is no need to cancel your Membership or Services as it will not renew automatically. By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, after having the opportunity to have it reviewed by a lawyer at your sole discretion. You further acknowledge that you are entitled to receiving a completed copy of this agreement, which includes the Acknowledgement & Assumption of Risk, Limitation of Liability & Full Release of Trench Fitness This constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and no other agreement or understanding exists between you and Trench Fitness. Trench Fitness has made no express or implied warranties or representations other than those expressly set forth in this Agreement to induce you to enter into this Agreement. Any conflict between the original Agreement and any copy of the original Agreement shall be controlled by the original Agreement. This agreement is fully assignable by Trench Fitness but is not transferable or assignable by you. Notice: All notices to Trench Fitness shall be mailed to (certified or registered, return receipt requested) to 115 Hodsman Road, Regina, SK S4N 5W5. Fitness/Consulting Services: The fitness or consulting services provided under this Agreement, if applicable, are provided as a program by Trench Fitness, and are not the services of any individual trainer. Trench Fitness also reserves the right to sell training, class packages, and memberships at different rates or terms than set forth in this Agreement. I understand results are not guaranteed and are dependent on several factors including my adherence to the diet and exercise program as recommended, if applicable. I understand that results of the programs offered will vary from person to person and are neither predictable nor controllable by Trench Fitness or any of its agents or employees. Trench Fitness or any of it agents or employees are not licensed dietitians or nutritional specialists. All information I obtain will be directly from the consultant's own experiences. Facilities, Services and Hours: Trench Fitness services and amenities may be improved, updated, modified, or otherwise altered at the sole and absolute discretion of Trench Fitness. Trench Fitness will strive to provide the best service possible and accommodate reasonable requests, but reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to change the existing services, training or class schedules, programs, hour of operation, days the facility is open, and rules and regulations. Payments and Refund Policy: Payment for Memberships, training sessions, classes, consulting or any other services must be made in full unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. No refunds shall be made for any memberships, personal training, classes, or consulting services purchased, except as specifically provided in this Agreement. Medical Advice Not Provided: You hereby acknowledge that Trench Fitness does not diagnose health problems, and does not provide medical advice nor medical services. Trench Fitness has advised you to discuss the appropriateness of your exercise program with your doctor. Trench Fitness may ask you to fill out a Health Questionnaire, but this document is nothing more than guidance for Trench Fitness to review or to help you set your fitness goals. The fact that Trench Fitness agrees to provide the services discussed herein to you based on the questionnaire and your representations is not a medical judgement that you are medically, physically, or mentally able to enjoy the benefits of Trench Fitness’s services. Our services should not replace any dietary restrictions or medical recommendations from your doctor. I hereby affirm that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any disability that would prevent or limit my participation in a training activity or use of the facility. Use of Images and Testimonials: You hereby grant Trench Fitness the right to use your pictures (still or moving), statements and comments, in part or in whole, in any media, to promote Trench Fitness or the products and services of Trench Fitness. Privacy Policy: Any credit card/personal information is securely stored on Trench Fitness’s servers and will not be sold to any third parties. If you consented to receive electronic messages from Trench Fitness they may include announcements, invitations, event information, news, updates, service information, client customer care, and promotions from us. You can unsubscribe at any time. Default: You shall be deemed in default of this Agreement upon the failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the obligation to make any payment as and when due. You also agree to be bound by the Trench Fitness Rules & Regulations provided herewith, and acknowledge that a violation of such Rules and Regulations shall constitute a default event. Upon default, Trench Fitness shall have all rights and remedies available, including termination of this Agreement and institution of an action for all applicable damages. If Trench Fitness delays or refrains from exercising any rights under this Agreement, Trench Fitness does not waive and shall not forfeit those rights. If Trench Fitness accepts late or partial payments from you, Trench Fitness does not waive its right to receive full and timely payments and other charges due under this Agreement. Enforceability: The parties hereto agree that if any provision or portion of this Agreement is declared void and unenforceable, such provision or portion of a provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect. However, you specifically agree that all the terms and conditions are to be enforced and you specifically waive any statute or other right, of any type, which would invalidate the enforceability of any provision or portion of a provision of this Agreement. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed and enforced in accordance with Saskatchewan Law. Acknowledgement & Assumption of Risk: You hereby acknowledge that the services purchased under this Agreement include participation in strenuous, high-intensity physical activities, including, but not limited to weightlifting, walking, running, jumping, pushing, pulling, climbing, plyometrics, carrying relatively heavy objects, and the use of various conditioning and exercise equipment and facilities designed, offered, recommended and/or supervised by Trench Fitness or any of its agents or employees. You acknowledge that these physical activities involve the inherent risk of physical injuries or other damages, including, but not limited to, heart attacks, death, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, foot/knee/hip/back injuries and any other illnesses, soreness, or injury however caused occurring during or after your participation in physical activities at Trench Fitness. You further acknowledge that such risks include, but are not limited to, injuries caused by the negligence of an instructor or other person, defective or improperly used equipment, or your own over-exertion, slip and fall, or unknown health problem. You specifically acknowledge and assume the risk of injury due to Rhabdomyolysis and/or other exertion related injuries and illnesses, and hereby accept that it is your responsibility to recognize your limits and stop all physical activities when you believe it is necessary to do so. You agree to assume all risks and responsibilities involved with your participation in physical activities at Trench Fitness. You acknowledge your participation will be physically and mentally challenging, and you agree that it is your responsibility to seek competent medical or other professional advice regarding any concerns or questions involved with your ability to take part in physical activities at Trench Fitness. By signing this Agreement, you assert that you are capable of participating in physical activities at Trench Fitness, and that you agree to assume all risk and responsibility for exceeding your physical limits. Limitation of Liability & Full Release of Trench Fitness: You, your heirs, assigns and next of kin, agree to fully release Trench Fitness, its owners, employees, any related entities or other authorized agents, including independent contractors from any and all liability, claims and/or litigation or other actions that you may have for arising from my participation in a training session or class or from any use of the exercise equipment and facilities from injuries, disability, death or other damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, direct, special, incidental, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages, whether arising in tort, contract, breach of warranty or arising out of participation in physical activities at Trench Fitness even if caused by the negligence or fault of Trench Fitness, its owners, employees, or related entities or other authorized agents, including independent contractors. I fully understand that I may suffer injury and I hereby release Trench Fitness, and any of its agents or employees from any and all liability now or in the future, including but not limited to: medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering that may occur by reason of heart attacks, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries, and any other illnesses, soreness, or injury, however caused, whether occurring during or after my participation in the program or use of the conditioning and exercise equipment and facilities, regardless of fault. I understand and agree that any injuries or illnesses that might occur during my own training (without the supervision of Trench Fitness, or any of its agents or employees) is my own dilemma. Additionally I am responsible for my own health and safety. You are urged to have this Agreement reviewed by a lawyer before signing. I acknowledge that this agreement including the Limitation of Liability & Full Release is valid indefinitely.NewsletterSubscribe to our email newsletter for the latest on Trench Fitness along with workout and nutrition tips. You can unsubscribe anytime. Yes, Sign me up Drop-In Visit*Our facility is not staffed 24/7 and Drop-Ins are only available by appointment, if the door is unlocked, or if you are a guest of a member. I have already talked to Trench Fitness about doing my drop-in, I'm arriving with another member, or I'm already inside the gym Credit Card* NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Whitney D September 14, 2021 I have been utilizing Trench for a couple years now doing both nutritional programs and personal training sessions with Neil. Neil has been great to train with and has taught me so much. He is always pushing me to get outside of my comfort zones and try a bit more. I definitely would not be where I am in my strength training without his help and support. Jeannine Woitas September 2, 2021 Nice facility! I really enjoy my one on one sessions, they are informative and my trainer is very reliable. Shea Carey April 4, 2021 I love this gym.Theres plenty of equipment, great atmosphere, virtually no wait time for racks or anything. However the lack of mirrors is somewhat irritating, being someone who has a bad strength imbalance in my body I would appreciate having a mirror to watch myself perform lifts so I can critique my form better Blog The Top Ten Reasons why Trench Fitness is Your Best Gym in Regina Oct 3, 2024 Lift & Shine – Car Show and Deadlift Fundraiser Jul 13, 2022 2020 Transformation Challenge Results May 31, 2020 Trench Fitness Reopening Guidelines May 26, 2020 2020 Transformation Challenge Jan 1, 2020 Follow Us Follows Facebook 3.5k Followers Instagram 4.9k Followers Twitter 467 Followers YouTube 219 Followers Share This Facebook Twitter