To ensure safe social distancing, please only enter or exit when there is not another person in the shoe storage vestibule.
Upon entering the facility, please wash your hands or use the hand sanitizer we have provided on the front desk.
It is a requirement that we screen each member for sickness upon entering the facility. You will either be asked by a Trench Fitness representative if you are sick or symptomatic or we will have an option to scan with your phone and complete a quick questionnaire upon entering to confirm you are not sick. If you answer yes, you will not be allowed to enter the facility.
Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should stay home or go straight home if they become sick while in the facility. If a patron is severely sick (e.g. difficulty breathing, chest pain, etc.), 911 will be called.
Access and Hours
24 hour unrestricted access is available to members with FOBs
We have done an analysis of our facility and have determined that we can safely accommodate 40 people while maintaining 2m of social distancing. With a staff member present we will closely monitor that we are not surpassing this capacity. Due to our lower volume of membership we feel this will not be an issue.
We encourage all members and clients to purchase memberships or services online at home or on your own personal mobile device at this time. Debit transactions will only be done if absolutely necessary with equipment being sanitized before and after use.
Washrooms/Change Rooms
Do your best to come to the gym already in your workout attire. Change Rooms and Showers are available.
You are encouraged to bring only what you absolutely need to bring with you inside the gym. If you must bring in a gym bag, keep it with you while working out.
Cleaning/disinfecting supplies will be available for you to use in each washroom facility. Please wipe down anything you touch while using these facilities and ensure thorough hand washing is done on a regular basis during your time in the facility.
Washrooms will be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis.
Use of the Facility
Tape will be placed around the facility to section off specific workout areas that allow for 2m of spacing between clients/members.
Maintain 2m of social distancing at all times. Do no congregate in groups. Only people working out will be allowed in the facility at this time. Children or other friends/family members who are not working out may not be in the facility.
If possible, please try to schedule your workout outside of peak hours (4-6pm Mon-Fri).
Bring your own personal equipment if you have it such as mats, foam rollers, bands, etc.
Sharing equipment/working in for sets is prohibited at this time.
The drinking fountain will be closed off at this time. If you need to fill up your own water bottle, please use the water cooler located in the gym. Please use cleaning supplies provided to wipe and disinfect after use.
The public chalk will not be available for use at this time. You may still bring your own personal chalk for use, but please ensure it is in a secure container to prevent it from getting all over the facility.
Please only spend as much time as you need in the facility to complete your workout. This will allow for us to maximize the space for use for as many people as possible while being able to
adhere to social distancing guidelines.
The large garage doors in the back will be kept open as much as possible to allow for airflow in the facility.
Masks are required while inside of the facility at all times including when exercising.
Cleaning and Disinfection
The COVID-19 virus can survive for several days on different surfaces and objects. Frequent cleaning and disinfection is important to prevent spreading the disease.
Our staff members on site will be conducting regular cleaning and disinfecting throughout the facility on a more frequent basis.
Cleaning and disinfecting supplies will be supplied throughout the facility. You are required to wipe down and sanitize equipment before and after each use.
Paper towels will be provided for wiping equipment down. Please dispose of them in the trash receptacles located throughout the facility.
Personal Training and Group Training
Group training will not resume during the first two weeks we are open. This will allow us to assess the safety of the facility in terms of cleaning and social distancing.
During personal training, 2m of distance will be maintained. If 2m of distance is not able to be maintained due to spotting etc. masks must be worn by trainers.
Regular hand washing will be required by both clients and trainers.
Our 24 hour notice for cancellation of personal training appointments will be strictly enforced.