Contest Prep

Neil Tkatchuk has been competing in bodybuilding competitions since 2006. During this time he has competed in a total of seven shows, used many different training approaches and nutrition plans and recently won his natural pro card on May 7, 2011 at the IDFA Calgary Classic. Over the years he has struggled through many upsets, extremely poor diet approaches, and dealt with many of the myths surrounding physique competitions. He has an extreme passion and desire for the sport because of all of the positivity it has brought to his life. It is now his goal to provide Trench clients with a no nonsense proven approach to getting ready for a physique competition. His biggest advice: “Give yourself enough time to prepare and always compete against yourself and try and improve on previous performances”.

Contest Prep Package

Full Competition Prep program includes:

  • nutritional planning
  • weight training program
  • cardio prescription
  • constant email contact
  • 1-3 group posing sessions (depending on schedule and length of prep.)
  • peak week preparation


  • $865 for first 12 weeks then renew at $679 per each subsequent 12 weeks.
  • Payment Plan of $285 for 4 weeks (3 payment commitment) then renews at $249 for 4 weeks.

Clients who have competed in the past with Trench Fitness and have paid the $865 once (or the $285 for 3 payments) are not required to pay it again and can resume at the $679/12 week rate (or $249/4 week rate).

Please contact us at least 24 weeks before your competition date so we can assess your current level of fitness.  All pricing subject to 5% GST

Meet With Us


Schedule a time to meet with a Trench Fitness trainer for a gym tour or to discuss your fitness goals and learn more about our Training or Nutrition & Exercise Consulting services.