Ahh PMS, that lovely time of the month where you are so sick and tired of giving a damn about what your ‘supposed’ to eat or what your ‘scheduled’ to do in the gym this week. Its enough to make you want to…
A. Scream
B. Cry
C. Punch something
D. Quit
E. All of the above
Have you ever been there? Yeah… I thought so. Here are my top 4 tips to overcoming PMS.
Obviously every woman has different experiences in regard to their menstrual cycle, and often times a woman may feel very differently from month to month. However from a general perspective, I would have to say that most of the time when I hear woman discuss struggling to stay on a nutrition plan, the topic of PMS inevitably occurs. Here are my top 4 tips to save your diet, your relationships, and your sanity.
1. Remove any junk food from the house. Indulging in junk food will only make you feel like a big old bag of junk.
2. Make some healthy treats ahead of time. I’ve provided you with a awesome ice cream recipe below.
3. Find alternatives to food. Finds other things to do when Aunt Flo is visiting. This will distract you and take up your time. Hello Pinterest and Davids Tea!
4. Workout: Train with purpose and intent and not only will you gain a better body but you will gain a stronger, more secure sense of self. Throwing around some heavy metal is perfect for combating that PMS induced ‘punch that dirty hoe’ rage that is built up. Trench Fitness client Tara McCallum 110lb deadlift for reps!
Chocolate Ice Cream with Cookie / Brownie Bites: (serves one, and no I’m not sharing)
Ice Cream:
8-12 ice cubes
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
1-2 tbsp cocoa
4 packets stevia
1. Blend in food processor or blender. Make sure to add liquid first!
Cookie / Brownie Bites:
1/4 scoop protein powder (cookies and cream = cookie / chocolate = brownie)
1 tbsp cocoa
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 egg white
Splash of milk or water
Splash of vanilla or maple extract
Combine ingredients and microwave in 15s increments. The end result is soild in center and soupy on edges.
Scoop out cookie / brownie in little pieces, add to the ice cream, throw on a movie and chill.
With love from the Trench Kitchen,
xo Erika ♥