Starting Stats:
Weight – 154lbs
Waist – 29.25”
Hip – 38”
Finishing Stats:
Weight – 141.9lbs
Waist – 25.5”
Hip – 37”
Total Change:
Weight – 12.1lbs
Waist – 3.75”
Hip – 1”
“Late last year I looked in the mirror and wasn’t happy with what I saw. I was weak, imbalanced, soft; concepts that typically didn’t apply to me. I had spent my entire youth and young adult life being a competitor. Over a third of my life was spent competing and training at both a national and varsity sport level. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, years had passed. I woke up to the stark reality that I wasn’t an athlete anymore. I wasn’t even close. Other ambitions like my career had taken over. My focus had been on my career. My husband and I both own our own successful businesses and I also co-manage a successful retail store. We have always supported each other to work on our health, but my career always seemed to come first. There was always an excuse to not exercise or put my physical health first. Too tired, too busy, too whatever. Sometimes I could control it with diet, sometimes not. Sometimes I would find a routine, but it was always the first thing to fall by the wayside when life got crazy. The competitiveness had shifted. The notion that I’d always be fit, strong and slim no longer applied to me. Life and age had taken hold. I had let it all slide. It had happened gradually, but the toll was startling. Pain here, weakness there. Deep down, I always knew the truth. I was capable of so much more. I needed a jump start, a reminder, a goal. I needed to be challenged and the Trench Fitness Transformation Challenge was the answer. I needed to be accountable to someone other than myself, similar to a team mentality. I found success with the Trench Challenge in a way that I had been missing for years. My husband also committed to the Challenge, for a second year in a row. We became accountable to each other, another huge step on our journey together and continuing the commitment of a better life.
The first month was hard. Harder than I even thought it could be. I went in thinking “I’ve got this. I’ll be back in shape in no time.” I WAS SO WRONG. It took me about 8 weeks to get to a place where I was happy with my progress, to where I caught a glimpse of my former self. There was still the slap in the face reality check that I wasn’t that same athlete I previously was anymore, and that too was also exactly what I needed. A reminder that your life and your body changes and you need to change with it. A reminder to never put myself through that again, to never let myself go. Maintenance and self-care have to always come first over everything else.
My husband and I have also been trying to start a family for over a year and this also began to take over our lives. This was another huge reason to compete. I needed a new challenge, one that I had some control over. A new diet or training program never felt like a good idea and that too had become an excuse. It was so easy to let the concept of starting life take over your own. The ups and down are staggering, and the process can be so emotional. The time came where I needed to put myself first and let the chips fall where they may for a while. You can’t take care of anyone if you don’t take care of yourself first. I’m now in a position where I feel more confident in my physical health and my routine and I feel so much better about conquering the next steps in that part of our lives.
All of this is what the Trench Challenge has helped me do: find that drive, that competitiveness, and accept the real challenge of committing to making a better life for myself. To challenge yourself over everyone else. I could not have done it without the extreme support of my husband, Brodie Seaman. We finished the last half of this Challenge during a world-wide pandemic by making a home gym in our basement and calling in every favour we had to get the gear we needed. If we could succeed in that environment, we know now that, without a doubt, we can achieve anything we want if we put our minds to it.
A massive thanks and shout out to the entire staff at Trench, and especially Erika who revamped my program more times than I would like to admit and was a constant source of support and guidance. Trench really is the best at what they do. If you need that life change in some way, Trench is your answer.”