The Nutrition Survival Guide – How Not To Be A Diet Zombie
Fad diets create zombies. There, I said it. Diets tell you not to think for yourself or listen to your body — to simply “follow the rules” at all costs. And, unfortunately, many diets just drain people, emotionally and physically. I think the quote, “I feel thin, sort...
You Are Not Your Diet
Do your health and fitness habits define you, or do they make your life better? There was a time I obsessed over what I would eat, and when. I’d literally revolve everything around my workout schedule. I’d turn down dinner invitations and other activities if they...
How To Stick To Your Diet
You know this scenario all too well: you’re determined to stick to your diet and you start off incredibly well. But when you’re at your favorite restaurant you start eying your preferred not-so-healthy and doesn’t-fit-your-diet item on the menu. There are typically...
Protein Pops – Suck Your Way to 100%
I talk a lot about nutrition being the key to successful fat loss and how weight training and/or cardio fall a distant second to nutrition when it comes to maximizing your results. I’ve also said many a time that you can’t ‘out exercise’ a bad diet. I think most of us...
How I Found Peace While Going 190km in a Lamborghini
If the number one dream killer is “doing what works,” then the number one life-killer is preparing to live. Think about it. We spend endless amounts of time in preparation for some future event. We’re constantly trying to improve to have a better life. But the better...
What Is Your Mantra?
Mantra, according to the dictionary: Any sacred word or syllable used as an object of concentration and embodying some aspect of spiritual power. Mantra, according to Erika: Things I say to myself to help me deal with anything and everything life throws my way. There...
I’m Not Perfect And That Is Ok
“Fear is inevitable, I have to accept that, but I cannot allow it to paralyze me.” - Isabel Allende I am a recovering perfectionist. Up until now, this is the only way I’ve known how to live. The thrilling burn of perfection invaded every aspect of my life to the...
No Blender No Worries
Tired of drinking the lion’s share of your protein? Try these creative ways of feeding your muscles the same nutrients. Whether building muscle or burning fat, the serious fitness enthusiast should always have a canister a high-quality protein powder staring back at...
Grand Opening June 27th
The Trench Fitness Grand Opening will be held on Saturday June 27th at 115 Hodsman Road in Regina, SK Free Group Classes (11AM, 12PM) Medley Event (1PM, 2PM, 3PM with Prizes!) Trench Truck Pull Potluck
7 Ways To Be Confident Without Being An Asshole
Do you marvel at people who seem highly confident and self assured? Would you like to be one of those highly confident people? Achieving that may seem impossible if you are struggling with feelings of worthlessness, but believe me when I tell you that anyone can...